Basic Linux commands#

Listing files, changing directories, and making new directories#

Find out what directory you’re currently in


Go to your home directory

cd ~

Make a new subdirectory called data

mkdir data

Now go into the directory

cd data

Now go back to the directory above it

cd ..

List the files in your home directory

ls ~

List the files in the current directory with a bunch of extra information

ls -l

List just the names of the files, in a single column, with no extra information.

ls -A1

List just the text files, single column, no extra info, and store the list in a file called myTextFiles.txt

ls -A1 *txt > myTextFiles.txt

Display a list of files sorted by date, with the most recent first

ls -lt

Display a list of files sorted by date, with the oldest first

ls -ltr


Those letters that specify options after linux commands are called command flags

Copy/move/delete files#

Copy all the files whose filename contains the word data into the data directory

cp *data* data

Move all the files whose filename contains the word data into the data directory.

mv *data* data

Delete all the files containing the word data in the current directory. (Be careful with this! These files get deleted, bypassing the Trash/Recycle-bin)

rm *data*

Rename files#

Simple renaming of a file

mv crappyFilename.png usefulFilename.png

More complicated renaming of a file - prefix a string to a filename: Grab a list of all the files with the extension .png and then prefixing “mask_” to each one

for filename in *.png; do mv "$filename" "mask_$filename"; done;

More complicated renaming of a file - replace a part of all filenames with something else

for filename in *.png*; do mv "$filename" "${filename//maskSquare/maskCircle}"; done

Display a file#

Print a history of your commands to the screen

cat ~/.bash_history

One screen at a time…

cat ~/.bashrc | more

Just the top

head ~/.bashrc

Just the bottom

tail ~/.bashrc

The first 10 lines

head -n 10 ~/.bashrc

Combine (concatenate) two or more files and write the output to another file#

Combine two files and print the results to the screen#

cat file1.txt file2.txt

(conCATenate, get it?)

Combine all files with the word ‘data’ in the filename and which end on txt.#

cat *data*txt

Do the same and write the output to a new file#

cat *data* > allDat.txt

(if allDat.txt already exists, it will be overwritten) Caveat: what happens if you try cat *data* > alldata.txt

Append the output to a file (i.e., add to the end of the file)#

cat *data* >> allData.txt

Concatenate files while getting rid of the first line#

If you want to concatenate files that contain a column header, combining them using cat will cause your resulting file to have lots of headers instead of just 1, at the top. There’s an easy (though unintuitive) solution for it: use tail with some options to print all but the first line.

tail -n +2 file1.txt

You can direct it to output using > as with cat (or any bash command). To combine multiple files, add them as above, e.g.

tail -n +2 *data*txt > allDat.txt

You’ll notice that if you pass multiple files to tail, it will print the filename at the start of every file. This will mess up your neatly formatted file. To suppress the filename add -q, i.e.,

tail -q -n +2 *data*txt > allDat.txt

Use cat and tail together:#

Let’s see how we can grab the header from one of the data files (using head) and concatenate it with the output of tail which allows us to exclude the headers from the other files:

(head -n 1 data/one_of_the_files_to_get_header.csv && tail -q -n +2 data/*data*csv) > all_dat.csv


Make sure all your files end with a newline or the first line of the next file will continue from the last line of the previous file.

Some miscellanous tips#

Get help on a command#

To look up detailed specifications on a command, type:

man ls


If you’re using Cmder on windows, man won’t work. Use ls --help | less instead

You can scroll through the documentation using PgUp/PgDown or up and down arrows. To exit, press q

For a quick refresher on the arguments

ls --help

There are many many many linux commands. Probably the best way to find one is by Googling, e.g., google for how to zip a file in linux or ls command flags

You can also try the apropos command in the terminal. For example, try

apropos zip

Become a more proficient computer user#

  • Use command-tab (Mac), alt-tab (windows) to switch between programs.

  • Learn keyboard shortcuts: shortcuts for Cut, Copy, Past, Select-All, Find, undo/redo, should be second nature. Here’s a list of Mac shortcuts, and a list of Windows shortcuts.