Let’s warm up them neurons#

Now that we’ve gotten your environment all set up, let’s switch gears and do some actual coding.

  1. Write a for loop to print out the numbers 0 through 5

  2. Write a for loop to print out the numbers 2 through 8. Now do another one to print 9 through 0 (i.e., backwards)


    Use help(range) to see some other things you can do with the range function

  3. Write a bit of code using for loop(s) that prints out the following sequence:



    This one’s may be challenging to people who have not programmed before. Give it a try on your own. If you’re having trouble, turn to your neighbor and talk about how to solve it.


    Python will automatically start every separate print() statement on a new line. If you want to have several separate print statements print all to the same line, include an end="" argument in your print statement, e.g.:

    print("I'm gonna print on line 1",end="")
    print("And so will I")
    >>> I'm gonna print on line 1And so will I

    You can print a single newline, do this:

  4. If you’ve done any coding before, the last one was probably quite easy. Here’s one that’s slightly more challenging: Write some code that uses a variable rows to print the following: If row==1, then the following pattern should be printed:


If rows==5, then the following pattern should be printed.


You should be able to give any value to row (though at some point you will run out screen space for printing). Before you start coding, think what set of instructions (algorithm) your code needs to carry out for a certain value of rows.

If it doesn’t look like a pyramid, you’re not doing it right ;)