More practice with the GSS#

Part 1: Education, political view, and climate change#

Adapt one of the Exercise 7 solutions to quickly plot the interaction between degree and polviews for predicting clmtcaus. What are you seeing?

Part 2: Science knowledge and its correlates#


a. Recall the compound variable science knowledge that you created as part of Exercise 7. How does science knowledge vary as a function of education (degree) and belief in God (god)?


What about science knowledge vs. trust in science (consci) and education (degree)?


Show how science knowledge varies by party identification (partyid) and belief in god (god). What are you seeing?

Partyid has a lot of levels, so for simplicity, create a variable called partyid_twoway which is “democrat” for partyid levels 1-3 inclusive, and “republican” for levels 5-7, inclusive. For the graph, just plot the republicans vs. democrats thus defined.


What about science knowledge vs. trust in science (consci) and party identification (the partyid_twoway variable you created in part 4)

Part 3#

Visualizing on a map


Show how the science-knowledge (the compound measure you created for Exercise 7) varies for different parts of the country (region). There are a lots of ways of vizualizing data on maps. One of them is us_map. Whatever way you choose will probably require that you map region onto individual states. Here is the mapping. You’ll need to create a CSV with this mapping and join it to your data.


Bonus+1 if you show what it looks like when you residualize education (degree)


Find a variable for which there is a more dramatic difference for different parts of the country.